
[Changelog For "Kyrian Path of Ascension - Thrantiok Strategies in Ascension Coliseum "]

  • 2021/03/15,13:44: v15.0 Pelagos - Humiltiy added Humility Rewards added 来自 Trinogra
  • 2021/02/16,14:11: v8.2 - copy fix 来自 Trinogra
  • 2021/02/16,14:09: v8.1 - format fix 来自 Trinogra
  • 2021/02/16,14:09: v8.0 - pelagos - wisdom added, achievement section added 来自 Trinogra
  • 2021/01/10,03:39: loyalty note added 来自 Trinogra
  • [Status set to 同意]: 2021/01/06,15:59