
[Changelog For "The Lore of Lor'themar Theron, Regent Lord of Quel'Thalas"]

  • 2020/08/10,07:23: Added Shadows Rising lore. 来自 DiscordianKitty
  • 2020/07/23,09:39: added color to dialogue 来自 DiscordianKitty
  • 2020/06/08,04:52: Changed word in title from 'story' to 'lore' 来自 DiscordianKitty
  • 2020/06/04,04:14: Slightly improved information about A Moment In Verse short story 来自 DiscordianKitty
  • 2020/06/03,13:12: fixed some grammatical errors and typos 来自 DiscordianKitty
  • [Status set to 同意]: 2020/06/03,11:42